
摘要:正规买足球的App根据入学学生的数量调整员工分配. 10月. 我们增加了一个FAQ.

正规买足球的App Classroom and Staff Adjustments

Annual Fall Staffing Adjustments to School Staffing

每年, 正规买足球的App根据入学学生的数量调整员工分配. This process affects multiple schools every year.   

Funding for school staff is based on student enrollment. 这一人员配置调整是华盛顿所有学区必须完成的任务,以确保每个学校的教师人数与学生人数相匹配. 

We understand moving educators is challenging for students, families, and staff. Each staffing adjustment decision is made thoughtfully to minimize disruption. 

  • No teacher will lose their position with the district due to staffing adjustments.
  • For some schools, they may receive an increase in staff to accommodate additional students.  
  • 其他学校, 工作人员可能会被转移到另一栋大楼,因为他们的最终入学人数低于预期.   

Twice a year, we project student enrollment figures for the coming school year. 这些数据很重要,因为它们帮助我们预测国家的资金,并使我们能够为每所学校雇佣员工.  


To stabilize staffing and classrooms as soon as possible, we use the headcount from the sixth day of school as the official enrollment.

K-5 年级 班级规模调整 to Align with State Early Learning Educator-Student Ratios

发布:10月. 6, 2023

专注于早期学习, 华盛顿州的法律鼓励学区在幼儿园到三年级期间实行小班制.

正规买足球的App (SPS) values smaller class sizes for our youngest learners. 我们的审查显示,有几所学校的人员配置不平衡需要纠正,以满足州的要求.

What this means for Students and Families

平衡我们的教育人员, some students may be moved to new classrooms or have a new teacher by the end of October.

如果这个调整 means a change for your elementary or K-8 school, you would have received a separate message from your principal.


往年, SPS能够为学校提供额外的资金,以尽量减少教室人员分配的变化. 然而, 由于目前的预算短缺, SPS is unable to cover that cost for the 2023-24 school year.

重点是保持K-3普通教育教室17:1的人员比例,以确保国家全额拨款. 这是一个地区范围内的比例,包括课堂教师和其他教育工作者,如干预主义者和专家. 

To ensure SPS is eligible to receive $3.华盛顿州拨款600万美元, we must have appropriate staff-student ratios for our elementary grade classrooms.

我们认识到,在学年期间,教师和教室分配的变化可能会给家庭带来焦虑和沮丧. 我们正在与学区领导和校长合作,尽量减少干扰,并在学年尽早做出这些调整.


以下是SPS为保持K-3通识教育的特定人员比例以获得全额资助所采取的步骤, as described by 华盛顿 state law (RCW 28.150.260): 

  • 年度报告: SPS submits an annual S-275 form to OSPI, which assesses the K-3 staffing ratio districtwide. This report considers various positions, 包括任课教师, 专家, and interventionists funded through basic education to support K-3 students. 
  • 预算的变化: During the previous budget cycle, SPS experienced reductions in buffer staffing. 
  • 2023- 2024学年回顾: SPS最近审查了2023-24学年的教室配置,发现几所学校与K-3和4-5的人员配置不一致. This misalignment could put approximately $3.600万的国家资金面临风险. 
  • 纠正措施: SPS正在积极努力纠正人员分配,以与预算保持一致,并确保符合要求的K-3班级规模比例,以保持全部国家资金. 


正规买足球的App收到了许多家庭和社区成员的反馈,他们对最近学校人员配置的变化表示担忧和沮丧. 学区工作人员正在倾听并认识到学年期间所做的变化对家庭来说是具有挑战性和艰难的. 然而, school leaders are doing their best to minimize disruption to students. 这是对透明度的承诺, the district is providing more details on how we arrived at these decisions.   

Why are school staffing changes happening? 

Staffing changes in schools usually occur for two primary reasons.  

  1. 年度调整: The first reason is the fluctuating student 人口 in each school, 为了适应学生人数的变化,哪些因素会导致增加或搬迁员工. 在冬末起草并在春季更新的入学预测用于确定下一学年的学校人员配备, but staffing adjustments may occur at schools each fall based on actual enrollment. 
  1. 2023年秋季第二个原因 今年 是否与特定的州资助模式有关,这些模式旨在维持K-3教室的低师生比例. 公共教育监督办公室(OSPI)提供额外的资金,以保持K-3学生与教师的比例较低. SPS made the decision to adjust the K-3 ratios in order to capture approximately $3.600万美元的国家税收.  

We understand moving educators is challenging for students, families, and staff. 学区的正规买足球的App计划小组与校长合作,尽可能早地在学年做出调整. Learn more about enrollment projections.

Is the annual staffing adjustment different that the K-3 funding allocation staff changes? 

每年, 正规买足球的App根据入学学生的数量调整员工分配. This process affects multiple schools every year. 这是不同的 than the changes to align with the state’s K-3 funding allocated to schools, but those two issues are occurring simultaneously. 

Funding for school staff is based on student enrollment. 这项人员配置调整是华盛顿所有学区都要完成的一项任务,以确保教育者的数量反映出每所学校的学生数量. 

Several schools saw changes this fall to their staff assignments in general education, 特殊教育, 或者多语言教室,因为我们每年都会评估他们学校的入学人数.  

Key points about the annual staffing adjustments: 

  • Some schools may receive an increase in staff to accommodate additional students.  
  • 其他学校, 工作人员可能会被转移到另一栋大楼,因为他们的最终入学人数低于预期.   
  • 这些变化是 due to the K-3 student-staff ratio changes required for state funding. This process happens annually in October. 

What is the state funding allocation for K-3 class size ratio? How did it affect teacher assignments and classroom configuration? 

今年秋天, 一些学校正在改变课堂教师的分配,以保持K-3通识教育的特定人员比例,以获得全额资助, as described by 华盛顿 state law (RCW 28.150.260). 


往年, SPS能够为学校提供额外的资金,以尽量减少教室人员分配的变化. 然而, 由于目前的预算短缺, SPS is unable to cover that cost for the 2023-24 school year.   

SPS有足够的教师吗? Is this change because of a teacher shortage? 

这些变化是 not related to unfilled teaching positions. 

K-3比例的变化不会增加或减少一所学校的教师总数. The changes impact the number of teachers supporting K-3 students. OSPI) provides additional funding to keep K-3 student-to-teacher ratios lower. This often means that our 4th and 5th-grade classes are notably larger than K-3 classes. 


A split class includes students from multiple grade levels. Typically, they will include two adjacent grade levels. 


平衡我们的教育人员, some students may be moved to new classrooms or have a new teacher by the end of October. While we know this change may be disruptive, 我们正在努力在学年尽早做出改变,而不是等到今年晚些时候.  

We cannot say with certainty how these changes affect students. 然而, 我们相信,我们的学校领导和教育工作者将为我们的学生提供高质量的教学和学习体验.   

如果这个调整 means a change for your elementary or K-8 school, you would have received a separate message from your principal. 

Why does my student’s class have more than 17 students? 


How is SPS addressing equity for schools? 

加权员额编制标准反映了具体到K-3员额编制比例的学校正在处理的公平问题的一个例子. SPS funds additional teachers in K-3 classrooms for schools with higher poverty levels. 

小学 General Education Teacher Funding Ratios


How are the annual staffing allocations generated?  

Once the student enrollment projections are finalized, data is sent to the budget team. 预算团队使用相同的加权学生人员配置(WSS)公式来生成人员分配. 学校领导和中心工作人员都有代表参加WSS团队,每年都会对公式进行审查和修订.   

How are the student enrollment projections calculated?   

The staffing process starts in the winter, when a cross-functional team predicts the following school year’s student enrollment. 该团队考虑:  

  • 人口   
  • 登记   
  • 出生率   
  • 经济趋势   
  • 住房   
  • 邻近地区趋势  
  • 开设新的SPS学校等等  


1月. 25 预算 Presentation to Seattle School Board


Well-resourced 学校 Survey and Online Community Meeting

SPS致力于倾听您的声音. 资源丰富的学校对话和调查的目标是收集社区的意见.


Without new revenue from the state or an increase to our levy collection authority, 我们需要减少开支.